What type of industry or business sector can a supply chain management major find employment in?

Alumni have secured positions in the following industries:

  • automotive
  • aviation
  • cosmetics
  • dairy
  • energy
  • eyewear
  • finance and banking
  • fresh produce and flowers
  • gaming
  • healthcare
  • oil and gas
  • retail
  • sustainability
  • telecommunications
  • transportation
  • utilities
  • warehousing

More from BS Supply Chain Management FAQ

Are there any Statistic and Math labs to help with OPRE 3333, OPRE 3340, and OPRE 3360?

Are there any Statistic and Math labs to help with OPRE 3333, OPRE 3340, and OPRE 3360?

What type of jobs do BS in Supply Chain Management and Analytics graduates get?

What type of jobs do BS in Supply Chain Management and Analytics graduates get?

How does supply chain fit into today’s economy?

How does supply chain fit into today’s economy?

What is the average starting salary for an undergraduate supply chain management major?

What is the average starting salary for an undergraduate supply chain management major?

Is an internship required to graduate from the supply chain management program?

Is an internship required to graduate from the supply chain management program?

Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD in Operations Management?

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Build the skills to do rigorous analysis of operational information through various courses in supply chain and logistics. These skills are in high demand across the corporate world and prized in government and not-for-profit sectors.

Master’s Degree Programs

Find the Operations Management graduate degree that matches your interests. Visit a program below for more information.

PhD Concentration in OM

Develop strong research skills that are especially relevant for students interested in an academic career. Research seminars are held weekly, and each year the Operations Management area sponsors a seminar series to bring researchers from other universities to UT Dallas.