Learn relevant job skills, network with employers and launch your career.
Studying supply chain management and analytics at UT Dallas will enable you to gain the knowledge and skills needed to improve a company’s effectiveness in matching supply and demand. Our graduates are able to recognize external and internal threats to an organization’s supply chain, can manage projects and are able to make strategic, data-based decisions.
Informed by Industry Connections
In this video, Wendy Agee, Head of Supply Chain Operations from PepsiCo and one of our Industry Advisory Board members, explains her role as a Supply Chain Leader and a woman in this field.
Supply Chain Management professionals are an essential part of every successful company, and the relationship that our academic programs at JSOM have with industry professionals therefore is vital for our students. Through our Industry Advisory Board, we learn about current industry trends, and how to prepare our students to gain the necessary skills to become talented professionals in the Supply Chain Management field.
Supply Chain Management in Healthcare
There has been a surge of supply chain management professionals being hired by the healthcare industry in recent years. Hospitals and clinics have identified the need to hire specialists to work on their supply chain and inventory management, and they look for supply chain management program graduates to fill those roles.
An International Profession
Globalization of supply chains across industries makes supply chain management a profession that can easily cross over to an international setting. As goods are produced abroad and transported across the world, supply chains become more challenging and intertwined, so those with wide-ranging knowledge and skill sets are better positioned to lead.
One Degree Can Prepare You for a Variety of Industry Career Paths
The complexity of supply chain procedures and networks requires companies of nearly every size to invest in this realm. This includes startups and small businesses, as well as Fortune 500 companies, all of which engage supply chain professionals.
As a supply chain professional, you will have a variety of options and job opportunities, from a desk job analyzing and improving procedures to a fast-paced role on the production floor to a procurement specialist negotiating contracts with vendors. Every link of the chain from procurement to delivery of products or services offers supply chain management roles. It is a flexible and adaptable profession. Our graduates find jobs in a variety of industries such as:
- Automotive
- Aviation
- Cosmetics
- Dairy
- Defense
- Eyewear
- Finance
- Fresh Produce & Flowers
- Gaming
- Healthcare
- Oil & Gas
- Retail
- Sustainability
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Utilities
What companies are hiring UT Dallas BS in Supply Chain Management and Analytics students?
- ABF Freight System
- Amazon
- Baylor Scott & White Health
- C.H. Robinson
- Capgemini
- Ericsson
- Epic Systems
- Fannie Mae
- FedEx
- Frito Lay
- General Motors
- Goldman Sachs
- Halliburton
- J. B. Hunt
- JCPenney
- JDA Software
- Keurig Dr Pepper
- Kohl’s
- Lennox International
- Lockheed Martin
- Lululemon Athletica
- Nestlé S.A.
- Northrop Grumman
- PepsiCo
- Qorvo
- Raytheon
- Samsung
- Siemens
- Texas Instruments
- Textron
- Toyota
- Walmart
- 7-Eleven Inc
What job titles do BS in Supply Chain Management and Analytics Graduates get?
- Business and Operations Rotator
- Buyer
- Consultant
- Demand planner
- Fulfillment & execution specialist
- Inventory analyst
- Inventory planner
- Logistics coordinator
- Manufacturing Supervisor
- Materials coordinator
- Operations analyst
- Operations planner
- Price/Cost Analyst
- Procurement specialist
- Production controller
- Project Manager
- Resource planner
- Strategic sourcing coordinator
- Subcontract administrator
- Supply chain analyst
- Transportation analyst
How much can I make as a BS in Supply Chain Management and Analytics graduate?
The average starting salary of a recent BS in SCM graduate is $76,500.
What Types of Jobs for Supply Chain Management and Analytics Graduates are there?
Purchasing and/or Procurement
Alumni who work in purchasing and/or procurement are professionals who analyze and identify sources of materials, evaluate and select suppliers, negotiate contracts, place orders, acquire materials and manage costs.
Production and/or Operations
Alumni who work in production and/or operations are professionals who design products and services, do location planning, map facility layouts, generate demand forecasting, chart capacity planning, oversee production scheduling, take charge of inventory management, manage quality control and engage in project management.
Distribution and Logistics
Alumni who work in distribution and logistics are professionals who are responsible for materials handling, order picking, order packaging, warehousing management, carrier selection, product/service delivery and product/service recovery.
Bachelor’s in Supply Chain Management and Analytics Blogs and News

Student Organization Housed in Jindal School Keeps Winning Awards
Student organizations at The University of Texas at Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management continue to shine, receiving national notice once again. Most recently, the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences honored the university with two awards. UTD’s INFORMS student chapter, based in the Jindal School, was honored with the Cum Laude Award […]
Student Spotlight: Zachary Tidwell
Zachary Tidwell is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management at the Naveen Jindal School of Management

Jindal School Supply Chain Undergraduate Program Cracks Top 10
Students presented this past April at the first Undergraduate Supply Chain Competition at UTD which Monica Brussolo organized and Jindal School faculty members judged. A new ranking shows that the bachelor’s degree program in Supply Chain Management at the Naveen Jindal School of Management is one of the top undergraduate programs in North America. Gartner’s […]
JSOM Researchers Win Best Paper Award for Lifesaving Sepsis-Alert System
A study focused on early detection and better care of sepsis using a data-driven, personalized alert system that also considers caregiver behavior has earned a trio of Jindal School researchers a best paper award.

Jindal School Inaugurates Undergraduate Deans Conference
The Jindal School recently held a new conference convening assistant and associate deans of undergraduate business school programs. More than 80 universities were represented, and the deans discussed ways to improve programs and student experiences.

Sales Students Score Top Wins at Annual Competition
The 2020 International Collegiate Sales Competition won the case-management contest and placed second in the World Cup of Sales.

Senior Wins National Contest Showcasing U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
A Jindal School senior won a national essay contest by focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal that targets natural resources, waste reduction and recycling and tying that goal to remanufacturing standards.

Welcome Back: Be Sure to Raise Your (Virtual) Hand
Welcome to fall semester, Jindal School students. You have many options to learn and many opportunities to shine. Whether in class in person or attending online, Senior Associate Dean Monica Powell encourages your participation.

My Journey From Boots to Business
I’ve always known I wanted to be a part of something bigger; I have regularly strived to make an impact and grow in every situation. That is why the world of business has fascinated me from an early age.

Main Obstacles and Rewards for Supply Chain Management Professionals
The most common obstacles that I have seen in the operations area, especially for young employees coming into the job, are working in a solo environment, lacking a holistic view of the enterprise and not establishing communication.

What I Learned When I Switched Majors to Supply Chain Management
Switching majors to supply chain management was not an easy decision to make but I felt attracted to all the possibilities I could have as a professional. Every business connects to a supply chain that connects to many parts of the business as well.

Business Leadership Group Phi Beta Lambda Pivots — and Prevails — at State
The Texas division of Phi Beta Lambda had to find a way to do its annual state conference virtually this year. Despite the difficulties involved, UT Dallas competitors showed their Comet spirit and scored more than 20 top finishes.

Jindal School Professor Does His Part to Flatten the Curve With His 3D Printer
A Jindal School professor has taken his 3D printer from hobby gizmo to COVID-19 combatant. In stepped-up efforts, he has moved from turning out trinkets to making headbands for face shields that essential workers wear.

New Online Supply Chain Management Graduate Program Is Open for Applicants
The MS in Supply Chain Management is accepting applications now for a fully online program format that will begin this fall. Supply chain jobs are increasing, and those requiring a master’s degree are expected to grow by more than 13% by 2028.

The Goods Market Conundrum and the Supply Chain Crisis Explained
From the consumer’s point of view, one of the biggest mysteries in the pandemic crisis is: What happened to the toilet paper? As I think about it, the toilet paper shortage initially appeared an odd case, but it gave us a glimpse of what was to come.

Jindal School Profs: Supply Chains at Work to Calm Panicked Shoppers
Operations management faculty members in the Jindal School see the supply chain at work to correct demand and distribution upsets and overcome consumer fears triggered by COVID-19.

A Message from Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul
Jindal School Dean Hasan Pirkul reaches out to students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters with an update on the state of the school as classes resume following spring break and during the coronavirus outbreak.

What is Supply Chain Management? The Supply Chain Coffee Shop
When I’m meeting someone for the first time, I’m proud to announce my major as supply chain management — or SCM. Seven times out of 10, I’ll be saying a string of words they’ve never heard before. The answer is very simple: I can do nearly anything.

Jindal School Assistant Dean Awarded Congressional Veteran Commendation
The head of the Jindal School’s Career Management Center has been recognized for his service in the military and as a veteran. Assistant Dean Tom Kim earned a commendation from the Texas 26th Congressional District, where he grew up and now resides.

Jindal School Professor Honored as DSI Fellow
Jindal School Professor Kathryn E. Stecke was recently elected a fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute. It was the third fellow designation Stecke has earned for her research and professional contributions to her field.

2019 Scholarship Breakfast: Former Dallas Mayor Emphasizes Need for Education
Former Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings tied education to economic viability in a keynote conversation at the Jindal School’s major annual fundraiser, the Scholarship Breakfast. The event raised enough to provide scholarships for more than 40 students.

JSOM Internship Expo Creates Opportunities for Students and Employers
The Jindal School’s Undergraduate Internship Expo brought together 1,500 students and recruiters from more than 50 companies. The expo helped students practice networking skills, and it helped employers find students to fill internships.

Seven Dallas ISD Students Commit to UT Dallas as Jindal Young Scholars
The Jindal Young Scholars Program, an outreach initiative that helps Dallas Independent School District students prepare for college, welcomed it second cohort recently. Seven DISD students signed letters of intent to enroll at UT Dallas this fall.

STEM Symposium Introduces Middle School Girls to Emerging Technologies
The third annual G.I.R.L.S. Stem Symposium at the Jindal School gave middle school girls hands-on opportunities in data analytics, programming, supply chain quality control and logistics. The event introduced participants to information technology.

Team of JSOM Seniors Places Third in Global Social Business Competition
Two UT Dallas teams were the only U.S. competitors to advance to the finals of Creative Shock, an international social business case competition. One team, made up of four Jindal School seniors, placed third in the contest.

Supply Chain Programs at Jindal School Rank Well in Latest Gartner Analysis
JSOM’s MS in Supply Chain Management program advanced from No. 10 to No. 9 in Gartner Inc.’s list of the Top 25 North American Graduate Supply Chain Programs. The program has moved up steadily since making the list at No. 16 in 2014.

Shivam Patel’s Internship with Toyota
In this interview, Shivam shares his newfound passion for his industry and tells why other students should seek this same passion through their internships.

Sometimes You Lead and Sometimes You Follow
What makes a great leader? Supply Chain Management graduate student, Ray Yewle, discusses this topic in an interview with Mike Wheeler.
Read About These Companies Who Rely on Supply Chain Professionals to Thrive
- “The Dallas-Fort Worth area remains a leader in the industrial market and shows growing strength in the ecommerce and logistics market.”
- Toyota North America: Breaking down supply chain barriers
- Skills of a Supply Chain Leaders
- Supply-Chain Management Is the Pandemic Era’s Must-Have MBA Degree
- Nike is scrambling to fix supply chain problems as holiday shopping looms
- How bad are supply chains? Costco is renting ships
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Ready to start your undergraduate application?
Before you apply, get familiar with the application process for Jindal School undergraduate programs at UT Dallas.
How to Apply